DNS traffic

The number of DNS queries observed for a name over a time period can be retrieved.

This is especially useful to see if a domain is popular, and to spot anomalies in its traffic.

Getting the number of queries observed for a name

The daily_traffic_by_name method returns a vector with the number of queries observed for each day, within a time period.

By default, the time period starts 7 days before the current day, and ends at the current day, a day starting at 00:00 UTC.


The output is a Result::TimeSeries object:

    [0] 6152525,
    [1] 4756714,
    [2] 4670300,
    [3] 5954983,
    [4] 6140915,
    [5] 6040669,
    [6] 5529869

This method accepts several options:

  • start: a Date object representing the lower bound of the time interval
  • end: a Date object representing the higher bound of the time interval
  • days_back: if start is not provided, this represents the number of days to go back in time.

Here are some examples featuring these options:

db.daily_traffic_by_name('www.github.com', end: Date.today - 2, days_back: 10)

db.daily_traffic_by_name('www.github.com', start: Date.today - 10)

The traffic for multiple domains can be looked up, provided that a vector is given instead of a single name. In that case, the output is a Result::HashByName object.

db.daily_traffic_by_name(['www.github.com', 'www.github.io'])

For example, the following snippet compares the median number of queries for a set of domains:

ts = db.daily_traffic_by_name(['www.github.com', 'www.github.io'])
ts.merge(ts) { |name, ts| ts.median.to_i }
    "www.github.com" => 5954983,
     "www.github.io" => 528002

Anomaly detection in traffic

A benign web site tends to have a comparable traffic every day. Sudden spikes or drop of traffic usually indicate a major event (incident, unusual volume of sent email), or some suspicious activity.

Domain names used as C&C typically receive very little traffic, and suddenly get a spike of traffic for a short period of time. The same can be observed with compromised hosts acting as intermediaries.

After having retrieved the traffic for a name, computing the relative standard deviation is a simple and efficient way to detect anomalies.

To do so, the library includes the descriptive_statistics module and implements a relative_standard_deviation method. This method can work on the time series of a single domain, as well as on a set of multiple time series.

ts = d.daily_traffic_by_name(['skyrock.com', 'github.com', 'ooctmxmgwigqt.info'])
ap d.relative_standard_deviation(ts)

This outputs either a Response::TimeSeries or a Response::HashByName object:

           "skyrock.com" => 2.4300100908269657,
            "github.com" => 10.628632305278618,
    "ooctmxmgwigqt.info" => 244.18566965045403

In this example, we can clearly spot a domain name whose traffic doesn’t follow what we usually observe for a benign domain.

High-pass filter

Domains receiving little traffic are frequently receiving more noise (bots, internal traffic) than queries sent by actual users.

A simple high pass filter sets to 0 all entries of a time series below a cutoff value. This is provided by the high_pass_filter method:

ts = d.high_pass_filter(ts, cutoff: 5.0)

This method works on the time series of a single domain, as well as on a set of multiple time series. The result is either a Response::TimeSeries or a Response::HashByName object.